We just noticed (a little late) that effective October, 2017 Google has taken action to build a more secure web by using their 50% share of the browser market to warn their Chrome customers whenever they visit a site that doesn’t have an SSL certificate.

Fortunately, it didn’t impact us because we have had an SSL certificate for tears, but you might not be so lucky.

Most people get worried when their browser warns them about a site they are visiting. They may choose to go elsewhere for their purchases.

The warning only is shown on pages where the visitor can enter information, so squeeze pages are included, but if all the visitor can do is read what you have presented, you’re safe- for now.

Of course, it shouldn’t take Google cracking down to cause a marketer to keep customer data safe. Marketers of good character, once they are aware if the potential for data being stolen in the absence of SSL, would install the SSL certificate without Google’s prodding.

Well, now you are aware. It’s time to take action if you have been lagging behind.

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