Voice search is expected to be the new driver of web now. With the worldwide adoption of mobile devices the web is ready to be driven by voice.

In December 2017, Google talked about its Search Quality Rating Guidelines for the webmasters and content marketers. Also the launch of Google Assistant leads us towards the voice era of the web.

Econsultancy columnist Ben Davis has shared an article advising marketers to be ready with the voice compatible content.

Davis says, “Voice search strategy could resonably follow featured snippets strategy.

Search Engine Land lays out the following process:

  • Identify a common, simple question related to your market area.
  • Provide a clear and direct answer to the question.
  • Offer value added info beyond the direct answer.
  • Make it easy for users (and Google) to find on your page. (i.e. mark-up)

And don’t forget hygiene factors

Remember, your content will be problematic if it’s noticeably out of date. And, of course, it doesn’t matter whether your content meets the needs of users if your content does not demonstrate expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (EAT)”.

Remove the waffle from your content or risk failure in voice search


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