MOZ’s Rand Fishkin has shared nine predictions for SEO in 2018. The predictions cover voice search, website traffic sources, paid search and more.

Seo, Google, Search, Engine, Optimization, Web

Talking about the organic clicks, Fishkin says, “In 2017, we saw the start of a concerning trend — fewer clicks being generated by Google search on desktop and mobile. I don’t think that was a blip. In my estimation, Google’s actions around featured snippets, knowledge panels, and better instant answers in the SERPs overall, combined with more aggressive ads and slowing search growth (at least in the United States), will lead to there being slightly less SEO opportunity in 2018 than what we had in 2017.

I don’t think this trend will accelerate much long term (i.e. it’s certainly not the end for SEO, just a time of greater competition for slightly fewer click opportunities)”.

9 Predictions for SEO in 2018


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