Content creation is required to be a continuous task for all of us. It helps us to stay connected to our readers and persuade them to take an action.

Many a times we have some useful content in the forms of old blog posts buried under the fresh posts. Entrepreneur contributor Anand Srinivasan has shared four ways to use old blog post to give ourselves a content boost.

Srinivasan says, “The first step in this process is to build a list of all your blog posts that don’t bring any traffic to your business. Put each of these articles into one of the following buckets:

Bucket 1: Outdated news content that is still relevant to a section of the audience today.

Example: This news item on The New York Times website about the U.S. Tax Bill was published in Dec. 2017 and may not bring traffic at the end of the news cycle. But it is going to be of interest to anybody in future who is researching on their taxable income.

Bucket 2: Content that is relevant today but does not bring traffic.

Example: This article about net neutrality is going to be relevant every time there is a discussion about this issue.

Bucket 3: Content that is not relevant today.

Example: This random sports story from 2015 is not relevant anymore”.

Here’s How to Wring Value From Outdated Blog Posts


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