To help marketers do a self-assessment of their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their marketing performance, Econsultancy has shared ten questions.

Answering these ten questions you will be able to find out where you need to improve for meeting your marketing goals this year.

Ben Davis says, “I’m calling it – the time for future-gazing articles is over. At time of writing it’s already the end of January. If you’re still preparing for 2018 then you must have had a heavy New Year’s Eve.

Nevertheless, I thought it worthwhile to look over some of the prediction pieces we have published thus far (as well as some from Marketing Week), and produce a practical list of questions that marketers should ask themselves, this year or any other.

It’s not an exhaustive list (in fact it’s littered with holes), so feel free to cajole or barrack me in the comments below.

Are you on first name terms with the finance dept?

The issue is outlined most eloquently by Helen Edwards in Campaign who saysmarketers need Finance, Ops and HR – and vice versa. “Yet wariness characterises the interactions between disciplines,” Edwards writes.

She continues, “the best marketers I know build deep connections with these power functions and involve them in new ideas early.”

The wooing starts now”.

10 practical questions marketers should ask themselves this year

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