In the last year there has been a lot of talk about the importance of engagement. One focus of that discussion has been getting customers and prospective customers to be engages with your content. Getting their attention to your content and holding their interest in your content is certainly an important facet of successful marketing.

However, there is an even more fundamental engagement that is a precursor to their engagement. How engaged are you with them? Your engagement with their needs and interests are what drives them to reciprocate.

When you are engaged, you understand their business challenges and, thus, you can create content that meets their needs. If you don’t understand your customers and get engaged in the process of helping them solve their business challenges, you won’t find them becoming engaged with your solutions. Your solutions won’t meet their needs unless you know what they are looking for.

Marketo has been studying the process of engaging with your customers. They have created a slide show that will summarize what they have found. You will find it helpful in understanding your challenge is really connecting with your clients and prospective clients. If you want to pursue this further, they have other free downloadable resources that will fill in more details.


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