Link building is one of the ways to maintain good search engine rankings. When it comes to achieving good PageRank or a far as the way search engines treat your site content matters a most today as it leads to promotion of your brand.

Search Engine Journal columnist Benj Arriola has shared a chapter “Why Links Are Important for SEO” from Search Engine Journal’s new e-book, SEO 101: Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimization. It highlights the ways you can nurture links for effective SEO.

Arriola says, “A link or hyperlink is a clickable object on a webpage that leads from one page to another. Links may visibly appear as text, images, or buttons.

We can classify links based on the destination of the link, whether it leads users to another page on the same site or a different website.

Internal links are links between the pages within your own website.

Search engines determine this by looking at the domain name; if the links on a page link to other pages within the same domain, they are considered internal links.

If, for some reason, your website was built to have more than one domain, search engines will view this as an external link”.

Why Links Are Important for SEO

Search Engine Journal

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