The Artificial Intelligence (AI) marketing in an ‘in-thing’ now whether you are in to promotional or e-commerce marketing. AI helps us transform the way our products are presented to the buyers, and it is just the beginning.

Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared four techniques marketers can adopt to use AI for enhancing their marketing.

Rajeck says, “Marketers have been talking about artificial intelligence (AI) marketing for some time now.

But many are still wondering, what exactly can AI marketing do for us right now?

To find out, Econsultancy recently held a gathering of over 400 marketers for Digital Outlook 2018 in Singapore and invited subject matter experts to speak on AI marketing and other topics trending in digital.

In his talk, Chandra Kumar, CEO WiselyWise, stated that, despite many setbacks over its long history, AI marketing may now be ready for mass adoption. He proceeded to describe four concrete things that marketers can use AI for right now. Here they are, summarised below.

(For more insight, Econsultancy subscribers can also see Econsultancy’s Trends Briefing on AI)

1) Content at scale

First off, Chandra discussed how brands can use AI marketing to produce advertising copy and even blog content which can change according to audience reaction.

One example of how AI marketing can deliver advertising copy comes from a recent campaign for the Toyota Mirai. Saatchi LA, the ad producer, trained IBM’s famous Watson AI marketing engine with 50 scripts of relevant copy”.

How AI marketing can help brands right now


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