Quora ads: more targeting options available now
Quora has announced the expansion of its suit of targeting for advertising. The company now offers contextual and behavioral targeting options.
Quora’s Puja Ramani says, “Our development team has been hard at work over the last few months and today we’re excited to announce an expanded suite of targeting options for Quora Ads.
When we launched our self-service ads platform in May 2017, we offered Topic Targeting and the ability to filter by Location and Platform (web or mobile). Today we’re launching our expanded suite of targeting options to all advertisers on Quora.
People come to Quora to research important purchase decisions. Quora Ads offer advertisers the ability to target their message to a high-value audience, who is actively engaged on the platform. Most content on Quora is organized in the form of questions and answers. A question is tagged with one or more Topics (e.g. small business or startups). With our expanded suite of targeting options, advertisers can now target content on Quora (contextual targeting) or target Quora users with certain behaviors (people-based or behavioral targeting). This ability to target ads based on content and people unlocks several valuable use cases for advertisers for both narrow and broad campaigns”.
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