Deciding budget for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a tough task for most brands. There cannot be a one solution to budgeting and it varies from company to company.

Forbes contributor Jayson DeMers has shared a five-step process to make sure you are not overpaying for your SEO.

DeMers says, “While there are many excellent resources that can help you learn the basics of SEO, many entrepreneurs prefer to outsource their SEO campaign to a vendor. Though they typically cost somewhere between $1,000 to $10,000 a month, the good ones are worth it.

But what if you’re unknowingly overpaying your vendor for SEO? It can happen in a few main ways:

  • You’re paying above market prices. If you’re paying more than what’s widely considered reasonable ranges, you could be overspending.
  • You aren’t getting services for the full value of your money. You can also overspend if you’re paying within accepted reasonable averages, but aren’t getting as many services, or the same quality of service as you could or should be.
  • You aren’t seeing adequate results. You might be paying a fair rate for fair services, but if you aren’t getting any positive results, then your ROI is negative, and thus you’re overspending”.

Are You Overpaying For SEO? Here’s How To Tell

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