Video is an essential element of our marketing policy as it helps brands effectively promote their products and services. Most businesses to have video integrated into their marketing plan today.

Small Business Trends contributor Stevan Mcgrath has shared three steps to make your video marketing more effective.

Mcgrath says, “Video SEO on YouTube is a little bit different from the regular SEO on search engines like Google. All the metrics and indicators of high quality and good content apply to YouTube too.

The main objective is keeping traffic on site, and once you achieve that, you will get a free promotion on YouTube provided your optimization is right.

What Do You Need to Know About Video SEO?

1. How to Find Video Topics

This is the very first step to achieving success in your Video SEO. The following are some simple ways through which you can come up with a shortlist of the most relevant video topics.

  • Turn your existing content into videos. You do not need to look any further for your video topics. Simply use the content already available and pick the blog posts that have performed best based on the level of interaction then turn the content into video”.

Video Marketing Doesn’t Have to be Hard, Follow This Simple Guide

Small Business Trends

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