You need to keep learning and implementing new strategies to keep your marketing efforts boosted. Observing successful marketing campaigns and planning is one of the ways to remain successful in the marketing domain.

Search Engine Land columnist Elizabeth Laird has shared three ways to help marketers revitalize their marketing program.

Laird says, “Even a small boost in conversion rate can make an enormous difference in results for a program. Not only does it have potential to boost top line revenue, but it can have a significant impact on bottom line results.

Most marketing leaders find making the business case for user experience (UX) improvement work a slam dunk as minimal gains result in significantly increased revenue. However, it is often easier to preach the importance of testing and focusing on the user than to actually practice this belief.

Here are some tips to keep in mind to make the most of your UX optimization efforts.

  • Get a fresh set of eyes. Whether it be an agency, a consultant, or a new team member, often a new perspective is needed to identify opportunities and create impactful tests. Internal stakeholders can be blinded by personal attachment to work they have done.  They can be biased by past results or be too close to the business to be able to view things through the lens of a prospect.  Getting an impartial voice in the mix can help limit these pitfalls and ensure you are testing the right things to move toward success”.

3 ways to revitalize your digital marketing program

Search Engine Land

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