Marketing Week has offered a detailed look at the different psychological profiles that make up the marketing profession. This article can help you perceive better idea about the marketing domain.

Michael Barnett says, “Partnering with research company CrowdCat, we have set out to create psychological profiles of the Marketing Week audience. The project is split into three phases, with the first two taking place late last year, and the third still in progress. So far we have uncovered some of the key themes that concern marketers today, and have identified some of the most important personality dimensions that determine how they do their jobs.

Marketers’ key cultural themes

To sort through the preoccupations that drive marketers, CrowdCat carried out qualitative interviews to work out what common themes arise (see ‘Methodology’). According to Richard Summers, chief scientist at CrowdCat: “Marketers share these cultural issues and then develop them in different ways.”


One of the most prominent of these issues is respect. “Marketers were either talking about that in the social space, or the other half of them were talking about a lack of respect in the corporate space,” says Summers”.

What makes marketers tick?

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