How to use marketing content to support customer service team
When it comes to customer relationship management, creativity is something that comes to your aid. Your marketing content is such an element that can boost your customer service.
HubSpot columnist Braden Becker has shared six tips to use marketing content for supporting customer service team.
Becker says, “There’s a critical opportunity for both Marketing and Customer Success to help each other better serve their common audience. Here are six ways Marketing can help customer success managers (CSMs) and service reps transform the client experience, and the benefit Marketing can receive in return.
6 Ways Marketing Content Can Support a Customer Service Team
1. Distilling Marketing Content Into Monthly Digests
Customer Success might already receive their company blog’s newsletter, but their conversations with clients can benefit from more tailored recommendations.
A dedicated roundup email just for these employees — offering a digest of the most product- or customer-focused material from the previous month or quarter — can ensure the team is always tuned into the issues Marketing knows their audience is most interested in.
A good place to start? Identify the latest ebooks, how-to articles, and data sheets your website is offering for download, and highlight the key points across each piece in this recurring email. Also known as “middle-of-the-funnel” content, this type of content can be hugely helpful to a customer success team because it reinforces product and value proposition comprehension”.
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