15-Step guide to perform A/B Testing
15-Step guide to perform A/B Testing
A/B Testing helps you discover how one version of a piece of marketing content performs alongside another. It is a way to strengthen your marketing efforts.
HubSpot columnist Lindsay Kolowich has shared a 15-step process to perform A/B Testing.
Kolowich says, “To run an A/B test, you need to create two different versions of one piece of content, with changes to a single variable. Then, you’ll show these two versions to two similarly sized audiences, and analyze which one performed better.
For example, let’s say you want to see if moving a certain call-to-action button to the top of your homepage instead of keeping it in the sidebar will improve its conversion rate.
To A/B test this change, you’d create another, alternative web page that reflected that CTA placement change. The existing design — or the “control” — is Version A. Version B is the “challenger.”
Then, you’d test these two versions by showing each of them to a predetermined percentage of site visitors”.
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