Chatbots have brought in more flexibility and freedom to the online businesses. With them marketers are able to stay in constant touch with their visitors and customers.

Copyblogger columnist Sonia Simone has listed three benefits of using Chatbots.

Simone says, “Maybe the creators of messaging platforms learned a few things from email, because the chat environment is amazingly resistant to spam.

Chat users must explicitly agree to receive messages — which makes the chat environment look a lot less painful than the Hellmouth that is my email inbox at the moment.

Even the father of permission marketing himself, Seth Godin, is using a chatbot on his Facebook page to send interesting, relevant, and valuable stuff to people who are interested in what he’s doing on that platform.

Does that surprise you? It surprised me — because I hadn’t realized how much the chat environment supports the fundamental principles of permission marketing: to entice rather than interrupt, and ask for permission rather than spam and slam”.

3 Surprising Benefits of Chatbots (No Creep Factor Required)


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