Using live video is a great tactic to establish new connections and promote your products and services. There are many livestreaming tools available which make it easy for anyone to do it.

Content Marketing Institute columnist Jessika Phillips has shared an in-depth article on livestreaming and the tools you can use.

Phillips says, “While livestreaming may feel unrehearsed, you need a plan.

Define your audience. Figure out who you are trying to connect with and ask yourself whether you have the expertise or credibility to satisfy that audience. If not, can you invite someone to join you who does?

Hatch a plan. What are your goals for the livestream and what action do you want viewers to take? How will you ensure that viewers take that action?

Invest modestly. Don’t be overly ambitious out of the gate. I like to say, “Start where you are.” Don’t feel you have to make large investments in technology before you test whether livestreaming works for you. Do invest in decent lighting and sound as a baseline. With experience, you can grow your equipment list”.

Ready to Go Live? All You Need to Know Now

Content Marketing Institute
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