Email marketing is a form used by most marketers with higher or lower success ratio. Most brands too have their email promotion arrangements.

HubSpot columnist Ellie Burke has shared nine tips to help marketers improve their email marketing.

Burke says, “In this post, we’ll explore a number of commonly overlooked email habits you should start breaking and experimenting with to find the best strategy for your company.

1. You Always Use the Same Sender Name

How to Break It: Get Friendly With Your “From” Name

While it’s helpful to set certain expectations with your email recipients, don’t limit yourself to only sending messages from your company name, or from one team member. Experimenting with “friendly froms” can increase open rates. For example, instead of simply sending an email from the name of your company, you might provide an employee’s name, such as “Tim at”

But before you go crazy, always ensure your email activities do not violate the CAN-SPAM act. Your froms should not be false or misleading. However, there are ways your organization can make adjustments that delight your recipients”.

9 Email Marketing Habits It Pays to Break


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