Blogging is one of the most used and successful marketing tools that we have ever seen. Apart from marketing, your blog content also can be a revenue-generating element.

HubSpot columnist Clifford Ci has shared five strategies to help marketers monetize their blogs.

Chi says, “Whether you’re running a personal blog as a hobby, or managing the official blog on your company’s website, monetizing your work is entirely possible — it just takes a good amount of time and effort.

While there’s no exact formula to start making money, there are some tried and true strategies you can start experimenting with to see what works best for your content, your business model, and your audience. Below, we’ll dive into each of these monetization ideas:

1. Build an lead funnel for your product.

If you work at a B2B company or have a long sales cycle, reading a blog post is usually a customer’s first and furthest interaction from their actual purchase. But it’s also arguably the most important stage of the inbound funnel. Attracting your audience’s attention with helpful, educational, or entertaining content creates a larger pool of people to convert into leads and close as customers. In other words, your blog marks the start of a relationship with your customers”.

5 Strategies to Monetize a Blog


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