Copyscape, a popular plagiarism-detector service has recently increased its charges for checking the texts. To help bloggers and copywriters TribeBloom has shared five alternate copy checking resources they can use.

Mentioning how the price change will affect the Copyscape users, Billy Forshaw says, “For those who are minor users and continue to check very short articles or blog posts, this price change will not make much difference to you.

For a text of 500 words, the price will cost 5c, as it did before.

The biggest change comes for those who are checking average-to-longer bodies of text. A 1000-word article will now cost $0.11, just over a 100% increase to what it would have been before the shift. A 10,000-word body of text though, an eBook for example, would now cost the user $1.01, a huge increase of almost 2000%.

A dollar is still not a lot of money for most, but such a dramatic rise in price from a previously very small one will no doubt have people looking elsewhere for cheaper and more economical alternatives if they’re doing regular checks. This article offers five of these alternatives for you to consider once Copyscape’s price plan changes at the beginning of April”.

Copyscape Alternatives: The New Price Hike Means It’s No Longer Necessarily The Best Value


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