Learn to deal with negative reviews in Google contexr
Search Engine Land contributor Joy Hawkins has shared his experience as a contributor to Google My Business Forum focusing on how Google tends to handle the negative reviews. Hawkins has shared eight cases to highlight the Google actions.
Hawkins says, “There are a lot of cases where we cannot do anything because the reviews don’t break Google’s review guidelines, but there are also many scenarios where it is likely Google will remove the negative reviews.
Here are a number of real review cases I have worked on recently. I wanted to share the outcomes so anyone experiencing a similar situation will have an idea what can be done to help their website.
Review case #1
My first review example involves an illegal and racist review left against a school.
The person leaving the review claimed the school offered him an illegal drug and was affiliated with racist organizations. (Note: The original review has been removed. This is the school’s response.)
The review contradicted itself and seemed outlandish, so the review was removed”.
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