Video Spinn is a simple desktop application (that works both on Windows and on Mac) that lets you create hundreds — even thousands — of unique attractive videos with just a few mouse clicks.

It uses folders on your computer containing images or video clips (or both) to build a collection of slideshow videos, each one different, that promotes the topic of your choice.

Here’s an example of a video built by Video Spinn:

The software uses the folder of visual objects you specify to randomly select items and string them together to create videos like this. Each video is different because the graphics (either stills or movies) are inserted in random order.

You can use these videos for things like:
► SEO,
► YouTube domination,
► Offline client commercials,
► Video personalization,
► Affiliate marketing promotions,
► Video branding,
► Keyword targeting, and more.

That’s just a beginning. You can probably think up other new uses, yourself.

The process is simple enough that anyone can do it.

1. Tell Video Spinn the name of your folder of content,
2. Pick the number of images/clips to use in each video,
3. Choose the minimum and maximum time for each image or video clip to be shown,
4. Select what transitions to use, what watermark to use (if you want to watermark your videos) and a few other selections.
5. You can even designate intro and outro videos to be merged into each slideshow.
6. And tell it a folder to pull random music (or other audio) tracks from.

Then all you do is tell it how many videos to crank out, click the Spin button, and it starts turning out unique randomized videos.

That’s how the travel video sample above was built, along with several other versions of similar videos advertising travel to Banff, Canada, all created by drawing on a folder of Banff photos.

There are 4 bonuses our readers receive when they invest in Video Spinn. We have loaded the download link into JVZoo on the download page.

Video Spinn Views Firestarter
Views Firestarter: how to get the best views (they’re better than Fiverr views) for only 1 penny. These are views that YouTube actually approves of and likes. With this bonus, you will have a source for real views for your videos.

Video Spinn Bonus 2
High Ticket Client Cold Call Killer With this bonus, you finally have a chance to get all the high ticket clients you desire without ever having to pick up the phone. In fact, they’ll actually be calling you, wanting you to work with them.

Video Spinn Audio Tracks Bonus
10 different audio tracks Use them to make more unique videos.

Video Spinn Ranking Protector
Continue Video Ranking Domination This strategy is to protect your from a Google update and keep your videos ranking high on Google and YouTube.





Video Spinn Launch Starts Today

There are lots of ways to create sales videos, some expensive, some that save money but use a lot of your time, and then there is Video Spinn.

Take a look at the demo video, and then get your own copy while it is available at launch pricing, here: Video Spinn.

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