Imagine if you could spend two minutes and create 100 high-quality videos with Images, text, and background music that could work for any type of video marketing you want, such as:
■ Video ads
■ YouTube videos
■ Offline video commercials.

With Video Spinn, you could actually have 100 of beautiful, high quality videos done in minutes, based on a folder of images and videos you want included in your video.

It’s not hype, and it’s not magic. You collect the images (and video clips, if you like) that you want to use in your new videos and place them in a folder on your PC or Mac. Video Spinn. extracts random files from the folder you designate and compiles them into a marketing video. It does this over and over, each time with a new random selection of images.

Check out the demo to see exactly how it works: Video Spinn Demo.

Here is the power of Video Spinn‘s simple push button technology:

► Creates videos with some simple ‘set-and-forget’ technology from you collection of images and video clips
► Lets you name the output video files after keywords, for maximum SEO benefit
► Lets you optionally add intro and final slides for branding purposes
► Incorporates transitions between video elements (such as fade in black; slide up from bottom; slide in from right/left)
► Creates up to 100 quality videos in a single session
► Lets you add music files to the videos, which could be continuously looped, or randomly inserted into the videos
► Adds optional watermarks to the videos so they can’t be stolen by other less ethical marketers
► Works on both PC & Mac

What could otherwise take you hours of production time can be done in minutes with Video Spinn. Ans these videos have the advantage of being SEO ready.

Plus, this software comes with 3 supplements to help you succeed with it.

SEO Training: How To Instantly Get On The First Page Of Google You’ll get a full walk thru training of how to get on page one of Google. That’s the point of creating your videos, so this training is fundamental to your success.
Developer Rights To Use Video Spinn To Create Videos For Your Clients You can create as many videos as you want for yourself and your clients.
Your Choice of $20 in Free Vector Graphics From VectorToons You can use these graphics in your videos immediately.

Video Spinn is currently available at a low launch price. If you want to take advantage of the power of videos in your marketing, get the details of this new software now.

There are 4 bonuses our readers receive when they invest in Video Spinn. We have loaded the download link into JVZoo on the download page.

Video Spinn Views Firestarter
Views Firestarter: how to get the best views (they’re better than Fiverr views) for only 1 penny. These are views that YouTube actually approves of and likes. With this bonus, you will have a source for real views for your videos.

Video Spinn Bonus 2
High Ticket Client Cold Call Killer With this bonus, you finally have a chance to get all the high ticket clients you desire without ever having to pick up the phone. In fact, they’ll actually be calling you, wanting you to work with them.

Video Spinn Audio Tracks Bonus
10 different audio tracks Use them to make more unique videos.

Video Spinn Ranking Protector
Continue Video Ranking Domination This strategy is to protect your from a Google update and keep your videos ranking high on Google and YouTube.





Video Spinn Launch Underway

If you are gong to sell anything online, you need sales videos to capture people’s attention. This new tool creates videos quickly and inexpensively, so it’s easy to get started an build a whole video portfolio for your marketing.

Take a look at the demo video, and then get your own copy while it is available at launch pricing, here: Video Spinn.


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