Instagram, with constantly rising number of users, has become a social marketing hub. With rightly developed content and proper targeting it is possible for marketers to reach out its huge user base.

Content Marketing Institute columnist Shane Barker has shared four tips to help marketers create engaging Instagram content.

Here’s what Barker says on leveraging user-generated content:

One of the best ways to achieve maximum reach and engagement is creating content that encourages your viewers to create their user-generated posts featuring your product or message.

One successful example of this approach is the Instagram campaign conducted by Australia-based beauty brand Frank Body to promote its coffee ground-based body scrub. It hired a team of influencers with highly engaged audiences to showcase the product in creative ways. Each post included “#Let’sBeFrank” or “#TheFrankEffect.” The bold content encouraged users to post their own images of the coffee scrub using those hashtags.

The results? Over 25,000 user-generated images posted to Instagram and 350,000 followers in 12 months“.

4 Tips for Engaging Instagram Content [Examples]

Content Marketing Institute
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