Entrepreneur mag shares 5 tactics to building a 6-figure online business
The entrepreneur magazine contributor Kimanzi Constable has shared five tactics to building a 6-figure online business.
Constable says, “If your business isn’t growing, it’s probably because you’re not executing these five strategies.
1. Bring clarity to your branding and messaging.
If you have studied internet marketing for any amount of time, you’ve heard entrepreneurs talk about the need to carve a niche. You’re told that you have to be different to stand out. In the desire to be different, entrepreneurs brand their businesses in a way that does just the opposite. Potential customers won’t invest their time and money if they can’t understand what you do and, most importantly, how it will help them.
While new age branding sounds good, it confuses them, and confused buyers don’t spend money. Your branding and messaging have to be clear. Everyone who visits your website and online presence needs to understand exactly what you do and how it could help their lives in some way. They want plain language that speaks to them. They need to see your story, see that you understand their pain points and that you have practical solutions”.
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