Most web usage is over the mobile today and with increasing number of mobile users  it is clear that mobile is the future of web and so all the forms of marketing too are dependent on mobile.

Forbes contributor Brian Sutter has shared seven ways to help marketers create mobile-friendly content for their businesses.

Sutter says, “It’s time to think “mobile first”.

But what does that mean, exactly? How should our websites, and our content, and our content strategy, change to align itself with a mobile first mindset?

Plenty of ways, actually. Here’s how:

1. Make it snappy.

Speed matters online. But on mobile, it matters even more. According to research from Google, “53% of mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.”

And yet, according to that same research, “The average time it takes to fully load a mobile landing page is 22 seconds.”

Clearly, we have a problem.

Or… you have an opportunity. Because if you can speed up your site enough to get it to load for mobile users in 3 seconds or less, you’ll smoke most of your competition. That means more website traffic, more leads, and more sales”.

7 Ways To Make Your Content Mobile Friendly

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