Econsultancy explains six types of marketing organization structure
Econsultancy’s Ben Davis has published an informative article explain six types of marketing organization structures. Knowing this can help marketers plan their marketing activities in an informed manner.
Davis says, “The report examines how marketing leaders might apply the M3 framework to each of these structures. As previously stated, you’ll have to dive into the report for full visualisation of these structures with detail on which roles and teams sit where and why.
1. Product-focused organisational structure
A product-focused org structure may be useful when only a few major customers or customer types make up most of the business revenue. Product or brand managers are responsible for a product’s marketing plan and the implementation of this plan to achieve market share and profit goals.
Product managers may be directly responsible for marketing strategy, marketing operations, customer insights and analytics. They may need to enlist the support of (but may not have responsibility for) brand, marketing, media planning and buying, PR, sales, manufacturing and finance”.
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