Crowdfunding helps entrepreneurs get the initial funding to financially support their idea and convert it into a business of a product.

HubSpot’s Meg Prater has shared 15 best crowdfunding sites that you can use to launch your business or product.

Prater says, “Crowdfunding sites abound on the internet, and I’ve rounded up a few of the best. Whether you’re funding the next hottest startup, a creative endeavor, or a caused-based organization, you’ll find a crowdfunding site below that might just be perfect.

1. Kickstarter

Kickstarter helps artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators connect with the resources to bring their ideas to life. Since their launch in 2009, the company has helped 15 million people pledge $3.7 billion to successfully fund more than 143,000 projects. Funding is all or nothing, so you must meet the goal you set within the allotted time or everyone gets their money back.

2. Indiegogo

Indiegogo offers both live crowdfunding campaigns and a marketplace for innovative products. It’s helped entrepreneurs raise over 1 billion dollars for more than 650,000 projects”.

The 15 Best Crowdfunding Sites to Launch Your Business or Product

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