Your marketing content should aim at informing and helping the prospects and customers. Such content can serve your purpose of converting more clients.

Forbes Agency Council has shared fifteen tips for creating content that resonates with the customers.

The Forbes team says, “Fifteen members of the Forbes Agency Council share several useful tips with business owners and marketers who want to create marketing content that is not “salesy.” Here is what they recommend:

1. Write What Your Customer Wants To Read

Do your research to find out what your customers want, how they’re talking and what they’re engaging with. Dive deep into search trends and social conversations, then let the findings guide you to create content that resonates and is not all about you. For example, if you work for a fitness apparel retailer, you should find out what your consumers are saying about fitness rather than apparel. – Nina Hale,Nina Hale, Inc

2. Answer Top Questions From Your Personas

Creating blog content is not always easy. But a great way to start creating authentic content is to think about what questions your target personas have and how can you help them. By strategically targeting your blog content to focus on helping solve problems, give advice and point people in the right direction, you will make your content authentic, relatable and shareable”.

15 Tips For Creating Marketing Content That Resonates With Customers


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