‘GDPR is Here—Seven Things Advertisers Need to Know’ Webinar June 7
eMarketer is hosting a webinar on ‘GDPR is Here—Seven Things Advertisers Need to Know’ on Thursday, June 7 at 1.00 pm ET.
The eMarketer says, “We invite you to join us as eMarketer principal analyst Lauren Fisher sits down with the hosts of the eMarketer Live webinar series to revisit GDPR, now that it has taken effect. She’ll break down what’s happened so far and where marketers stand—and offer up seven tips that advertisers should take note of.
This live-video presentation will provide:
- A data-packed discussion on the reactions and outcomes in a post-May 25 world
- Seven must-know GDPR best practices and what it means for advertisers
- An opportunity to interact via chat with industry peers and leaders from around the world”.
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