In sales it is important to make prospects realize that they need your product and it will add value to their lives. Understanding human psychology can help you understand your clients and make them purchase.

Shopify contributor Beth Morgan has shared seven psychological triggers that can help you influence customers and win more sales.

Morgan says, “Whenever anyone asks me what marketing books I recommend that will help them sell more and learn about the psychology of selling, the first one I point them to is Influence by Robert Cialdini, published in 1984. Then I recommend reading his book Pre-Suasion, published in 2016.

A professor of the psychology of selling and marketing, Cialdini lays out seven ways you can get people to say yes to what you’re asking. Anyone who sells things for a living, online or offline, should know and live these seven principles in sales psychology.

1. Reciprocity

The principle of reciprocity in sales psychology means that when someone gives us something, we feel compelled to give something back in return. Have you ever gone to Costco and ended up with an unplanned sausage purchase because you felt an obligation to buy after you tried a free sample? That was the principle of reciprocity in action.

Of course, online retailers can’t personally visit the house of each person who interacts with them to shove a sample in their hand. So how can you make reciprocity work for you?”.

7 Psychological Triggers that Win Sales and Influence Customers

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