Three ways to create content from the existing assets
Content creation is a continuous process that requires you to showcase your creativity and keep the clients updated with the fresh content. With rising social media usages, you can create content from multiple sources such as your own social content or the user generated content.
Content Marketing Institute columnist Ann Smarty has shared three ways to turn your brand monitoring into new content.
Smarty says, “Consider these three ways to turn those brand mentions into content assets.
1. Web mentions into monthly roundups
There’s one fundamental tactic behind brand monitoring online: Promote your promoters – use your marketing channels to drive traffic to content that promotes your business.
Think about the powerful benefits:
- You nurture your relationships with already engaged bloggers (who wrote about your brand), turning them into even more loyal members of your community.
- You generate more exposure for those favorable brand mentions and thus create a more powerful digital context around your brand.
Incorporate these web mentions into your on-site content through regular roundups or a “featured in” section. This way you:
- Encourage your promoters to engage with your site (by sharing the content asset in which they are included)”.
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