A HubSpot research has revealed that 82% customers want immediate response for their sales questions from their brands and it is one of the important factors in their customer journey.

Here are more findings.

  • 54% of consumers had at least one bad customer service experience in the last month
  • Most consumers a fast way to get in touch, and a quick resolution of their inquiry.

Commenting on the findings and their implications, HubSpot’s Jon Dick says, “Today, buyer patience is at an all-time low. Speed is more important than ever. Many marketers and salespeople are turning to live chat software — which has long been used by customer service teams — as the new hot tool that will get acquisition cranking again. But thinking about live chat as merely a fix for speed misses the bigger opportunity.

Modern consumers want easy to navigate, honest information. They want to engage with your business on their own terms. They want their problems to be solved quickly and completely.

Speed is part of this equation, but it’s not enough. Most companies are bolting live chat onto an already misaligned marketing, sales, and customer service process. And that means live chat can’t, by itself, speed up your growth”.

Live Chat Exposes a Fatal Flaw in Your Go-to-Market


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