Four changes e-commerce sites need to adopt to adjust with GDPR
European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law has brought challenges for most of the businesses who trade in the European Union.
Forbes contributor Jia Wertz has shared four changes that the e-commerce brands need to adopt in light of GDPR.
Wertz says, “For e-commerce brands that hope to get ahead of data protection trends, here’s what we can learn from them.
Following Regulations Can Increase Opt-Ins
It’s no secret that collection of consumer data revolutionized marketing and sales, thanks to in-depth customer analytics. That’s precisely why GDPR has been the talk of 2018 for its advertising implications, particularly in e-commerce circles. Ignoring GDPR regulations is ill-advised, not only because your company can face fines, but because data curation is only going to become more important, and more competitive, in light of the new regulations.
“If your company is using data in ways that serve and benefit the consumer, many of your customers will gladly opt-in,” says Beehler. “It’s really the bad actors that haven’t been transparent about the way they’re using data that stand to lose. And when data collection and reporting is GDPR-compliant, the data actually becomes more valuable.”
Taking a transparent and customer-centric approach to marketing and advertising shows your customers you see them as people and not data mines. Furthermore, letting customers know how you’re using their data allows you to start conversations about how your practices can better support their customer experience”.
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