AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘The Secret to AdWords, Facebook and Display ROI: Inbound Calls’ Hearts’ on Tuesday, July 17 at 1.00 pm EDT.

The AdWeek team says, “When everyone uses the same tactics to drive online conversions, how do you give your AdWords, Facebook and display campaigns a competitive edge? The answer is inbound calls. By taking a specific, data-driven approach to call conversions—from ad messaging and bid strategies to audience targeting and personalization—marketers can drive more customers and revenue at a lower CPL.

Join call conversion experts from DialogTech to hear how brands and agencies can get a big impact from call conversion to improve ROI. You’ll learn:

  • How to create ad and landing page messaging to drive more calls and sales
  • How to use online behavior to personalize call experiences and close more customers
  • Ways to leverage call results to improve retargeting and lookalike campaigns”.

The Secret to AdWords, Facebook and Display ROI: Inbound Calls


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