How demand-based bidding can improve your PPC campaigns
Demand-based bidding works according to the needs and conditions of a particular place or market. It treats tha marketing opportunities in real time.
Econsultancy’s Wesley Parker has shared an useful article on the implications of using demand-based bidding while running your PPC campaigns.
Parker says, “Here are several examples of how you can utilise demand-based bidding. It is by no means an exhaustive list, but will hopefully give you some ideas of how you can build your own solutions to change bids based on demand.
Changing bids based on weather conditions
On days with continuous rain, Thomas Cook’s online bookings rise by 7%. In comparison, during warm and sunny, weather, online bookings drop by 8%.
If you’re a retailer or service provider whose business is affected by changes in weather, it’s key for you to react to these in real-time to maximise your return on ad spend, increasing your bids in high performance times and decreasing them in low performance times.
When Butlins implemented weather-based bidding using AdWords Scripts, according to Think With Google, they saw conversion rate increase by 7% and cost per conversion drop by 14%”.
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