Impact of Mobile-First Indexing on your SEO efforts
Google has rolled out the Mobile-First Indexing due to increasing searches for content from people’s mobile devices. With Mobile-First Indexing Google monitors your site performance on the mobile devices.
Content Marketing Institute columnist Mike Murray has shared an useful article on how you should Mobile-First Indexing as far as your SEO efforts are concerned.
Murray says, “Given your vigilance with the all-powerful search engine rankings, it is reasonable to be concerned about Google mobile-first or at least more curious than usual.
Google recently weighed in, knowing its plan led to confusion. In a series of tweets, Google touched on everything from a problem showing cached pages with mobile-first results to clarifying that “hamburger” menus are fine to use.
Why mobile-first?
Until recently, Google’s index was based on desktop usage of websites. But it made the move to primarily use mobile index for search engine result pages (SERPS) because people increasingly search for content on their mobile devices more than on their desktops. Studiesdetail the trend likely to grow with the number of search queries and time spent on websites with smartphones and tablets”.
Should You Worry About Your SEO and Google’s Mobile-First Index?
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