Analyzing the importance of CRM for improving customer experience
A customer relationship management (CRM) is helpful in understanding your customers and in further improvement of customer experience.
Marketing Week contributor Tina Desai has shared a detailed article highlighting the importance of an effective CRM in the age of customer experience improvement.
Desai says, “It goes without saying that positive customer experience is vital for brands to succeed, and according to the CRM Barometer 85% of UK consumers would leave a brand as a result of poor customer experience. When asked what they consider to be ‘outstanding’ customer experience, 52% of consumers say it’s handling problems quickly and with no queue. Receiving the best prices or deals for existing customers is also essential at 38%, having customer service available across different channels is important for 36%, while 22% say receiving relevant communication at the right time and via the right channel is something they look for.
Using CRM to develop customer experience and build loyalty has been a priority at Aston Villa Football Club, which last year launched its ‘Part of the Pride’ campaign. The aim is to put fans at the heart of the club and to unify everyone and everything, so the slogan is used across all marketing, forms part of the club’s charitable arm Aston Villa Foundation and its equality diversity programme All In”.
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