Satisfying User Experience (US) rests at the heart of any brand. It leads the customers to stay back with your brand and their reviews help you gain more customers.

AdWeek’s Dan Tynan has shared five rules to help marketers create a compelling user experience for your customers.

Tynan says, “Want to create a compelling user experience for your customers? Follow these five rules.

Know your users

Before you can design a pleasing user experience, you need to know what users actually want. Unfortunately, many brands don’t do enough to understand their customers and how the business can meet their needs, says Jonathan Goldmacher, managing director for Valtech in New York.

“You need to start with the audience you’re serving,” he says. “Understand their lives intimately, the role your category and brand play in their lives, and the places where you have an opportunity to do things in an exceptionally better way. You also need to understand the business you’re in and what’s possible inside that environment.”

Look beyond your category

You might be doing a fine job keeping up with other brands in your competitive set, but you also need to keep up with Amazon, Netflix and other digital startups”.

5 Rules for Creating a Compelling User Experience for Your Customers


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