In marketing and advertising, being concurrent helps you to win the hearts of your clients. And to help your ad campaigns perform better you need to keep experimenting with them.

Econsultancy columnist Mike Turnham has shared five expert tactics to help marketers improve thier PPC campaign performance.

Turnham says, “You’ve got a great structure, continually improving ads through A/B testing, running RLSAs (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads) and using all forms of extensions and bid segment, so what next?

How do you eke out some extra performance from your PPC campaign?

Here are five optimisation tips that you may not have considered:

1. Don’t overbid on branded keywords already in first rank – You could be overpaying

Overbidding on first rank brand keywords can lead to over paying without any ranking gains. Keywords where this is happening can often be identified by having max cost per click (CPC) bids set much higher than the average CPC paid.

Rather than dropping the bids in one shot, slowly reducing max bids on these keywords over time can lead to massive savings whilst seeing zero or negligible drops in ranking. In some cases, we have seen as much as a 50% reduction in CPCs.

This tactic works particularly well on brand terms but do be careful to monitor and ensure that you don’t start to drop below your desired rank”.

Five expert tactics to improve PPC campaign performance

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