Five reasons your e-commerce site is not generating sales
Getting prospects and converting them into regular customers is a challenge for most e-commerce brands. The overall e-commerce segment is rising quickly and if your site is not making desired sales, you should be worried.
ReadWrite contributor Maggie Aland has shared five reasons your site is not generating satisfactory sales and the ways you can improve sales.
Aland says, “You’ve heard that e-commerce is an incredibly easy way to make money selling products, so you set up your site…and yet all you’re getting is crickets. You think your products are pretty unique, so what gives? Why aren’t you raking in the money?
Likely you’re making one (or more) of the following mistakes. Fortunately, they’re all easy to remedy.
1. It’s Not Easy to Make a Purchase
If you log into your analytics, see where people are leaving your site. You might find that they’re actually putting products in their virtual shopping carts, but then not completing the transaction.
It could be that the checkout process is arduous and people get frustrated. Considering that they can buy something on Amazon within seconds, you’re going to have to ensure that buying a product is easy and fast.
It might be because navigation is clunky and difficult to use. It could also be that there’s a link that doesn’t work”.
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