Three ways to improve your marketing efforts
Marketing is all about getting new prospects and convincing them to buy a product or services. It is important for you to make it to what has been promised while you approach the prospects for the first time.
ReadWrite contributor Frank Landman has shared three ways you can work on your marketing efforts so that they can bring great results.
Landman says, ” Consumers want inspiration, not aspiration, and that comes from businesses communicating attainable values, missions and needs — something small businesses excel at. So instead of feeling pressured to replicate the multimillion-dollar brand experiences big businesses create, small businesses should be motivated to manufacture magic on a shoestring budget.
Brewing magic on a small scale
To capitalize on their ability to conjure attainable moments of delight and magic, entrepreneurs should keep a few things in mind.
1. Keep it appealing but simple.
The glitz and glamour of marketing campaigns for companies with big budgets can certainly be appealing, but startups and small businesses don’t need to aim quite that high to succeed. Take event marketing, for example. While adding technological elements can breathe life into an experience, small businesses don’t need to go overboard.
“Avoid the temptation of adding too many bells and whistles. It’s easy to start adding technology in endless layers until your event is so complex you need an advanced degree and a staff of 20 to coordinate the logistics,” explains Darren Wilson”.
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