Using technology to improve your marketing efforts
Technology has taken the centerstage when it comes to the process of branding and marketing. It allows the companies to enhance their reach and create new markets for the products and services.
Econsultancy columnist Jeff Rajeck has shared five ways marketers have adopted to improve marketing results.
Rajeck says, “Econsultancy, in association with Epsilon, recently invited dozens of client-side marketers in Shanghai for roundtable discussions on the topic. Five interesting trends emerged, the summaries of which are listed below.
1) Marketers are using a wide variety of data points to ‘get to know’ their customers
One of the first topics discussed by attendees was how new and unusual data points can help them discover additional information about customers. Specifically, marketers said that channel data, the time of day or day of the week a customer visits the brand site and even offline promotion codes are being used to personalize the customer’s website experience.
For example, customers who arrive at a website through organic search see a different site than those who came through a promotional email. And there may even be a third site for those who type a direct link into their browser which they have seen in an offline ad.
The reason for this, explained one participant, was that, through testing, marketers can find obscure data points to anticipate customer behavior, such as likelihood to convert. Marketers should, therefore, use any information they can to deliver the best possible customer experience and achieve the best possible results for the brand”.
Five novel ways marketers are harnessing technology to improve results
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