Improve content marketing with these psychological insights
Observation, analysis and adoption are the two keys to help marketers improve their content marketing efforts. The analysis of the market and the needs of the prospects helps marketers create relevant content that brings great results.
Content Marketing Institute columnist Louisa McGrath has shared five psychological insights that can help you improve your content marketing efforts.
McGrath says, “Using psychology to inform your content marketing isn’t sneaky trickery. Instead, these psychological insights can improve the user experience and help keep prospects long enough to convert.
The challenge lies in translating often complex psychological concepts into actionable steps that can drive real-world decisions. Here are five psychological principles that can help you create more effective marketing material.
It’s unlikely that you’ll need to apply each insight to every project but having these models in mind is likely to be useful when you want to create content that converts.
1. Cognitive fluency
The number of micro decisions made throughout our day is staggering. A 2012 study showed that visitors judge a website in 0.05 seconds – faster than the blink of an eye. While a 2013 study by Microsoft noted people’s attention span has narrowed to eight seconds at the max.
As a result, humans prefer to consume simplistic content and unconsciously avoid information that appears complicated. This is cognitive fluency”.
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