Establish your brand with this eight-step guide
Branding is a challenging job as it requires you to be authentic and consistent in your efforts. But in the initial phase of your business it is necessary for you to put in your best efforts for establishing your products and services in the minds of your customers.
The Business 2 Community columnist Nikki Richard has shared an eight-step strategy to help you establish your brand.
Richard says, “Branding is not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Simply put, branding differentiates you from your competitors, and it allows you to control how you want to be perceived.
This is something that so many people neglect because they are involved in every other aspect of the business—they are overwhelmed.
Building a brand is a process. So where do you start?
Step 1 – Determine your target audience
Your business might be founded on a brilliant idea, but until you determine your target audience, your marketing efforts are going to suffer.
Who am I trying to reach? Who does my product/service appeal to most? Who is my ideal customer?
Now use this data to align your brand’s efforts with your target audience”.
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