Here’s the list of obsolete elements of content marketing
Every form of marketing is evolving today in its own way. The content marketing domain, with its multiple forms and innovative practices, seeing high growth.
But at the same time, there are plenty of things which are worsening the content marketing experience and performance.
The Content Marketing Institute columnist Ann Gynn has shared such thirty one cringeworthy content marketing things that haven’t remained useful today.
Gynn says, “If you could pick one thing in content marketing you want to go away today, what would it be? What about the one thing you expect to be going strong in 12 months?
That’s what we asked Content Marketing World presenters. Not surprisingly, they had a lot to say. Their responses are diverse and sometimes conflicting. Chatbots, webinars, livestreaming, GIFs, influencers, ROI, and many other topics are on the list. But should they die or expect to be strong? Read on to discover.
Jason Schemmel, social media manager, Harper Collins Christian Publishing
Wish would die: The term “best practices.” All that means is, “This is what has worked for us.” Too many people take that info and think, “If I do it exactly like they did, I’ll see the same success.” It’s a shortcut state of mind.
Expect to be strong: Short videos (30 seconds or less) with captions.
Ahava Leibtag, president, Aha Media Group
Wish would die: Long-form video content that isn’t broken into bite-size chunks.
Expect to be strong: Instagram Stories will be a hit for a long time. Marketers need to get smarter right now about how to leverage them”.
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