Four tips to improve B2B conversion rate optimisation
In today’s competitive marketing environment we need to find different ways to keep the customers happy. It is the key to achieving long-term success for any brand.
And when it comes to b2b marketing, the success is determined by the conversion rate.
Econsultancy columnist Manish Dudharejia has shared four tips to help marketers improve their b2b conversion rate optimization.
Dudharejia says “If your team is ready to take CRO design more seriously, here are four statistically proven strategies to consider.
1. Offer simplified online checkouts
Arguably one of the most important steps in the buyer’s journey is the checkout process. According to Baymard 27% of customers have abandoned sales due to a long or complicated checkout. And to make matters even worse, according to Big Commerce, 20% of B2B organizations don’t even have the capability for online checkouts, even though 93% of customers (Forrester) would prefer to purchase through a website.
In order to offer online checkouts, your company obviously needs to create an ecommerce website. Shopify is one of the fastest growing platforms and now offers services specifically for B2B ecommerce with features like payment options, multi-channel sales experiences, and personalized promotions for conversion pages. By using a reputable web hosting service, you can create well-designed and fully customized order forms to help fuel and easier checkout process”.
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