Use storytelling to build more audience
Audience building is something that makes you get more customers online. It is one of the most challenging tasks to get the people listen to you and your brand message.
Copyblogger columnist Kelton Reid has shared three models that can help marketers to build an audience with storytelling.
Reid says, “Without a story, it’s almost impossible to spark imagination.
Stories train our brains to envision solutions to our problems, and civilizations were built on our ability to do just this.
So what makes your story memorable?
Perhaps all stories are somewhat unique — depending on who’s telling them and how — but great stories all share a common DNA.
There is a vital core to great storytelling, and it often involves a blueprint. Every screenwriting instructor will tell you this.
“After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” – Philip Pullman
A great story can be a cautionary tale, or hint at a bigger problem in our society”.
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