HubSpot’s Carly Stec has published a free guide to to Facebook ad sizes. It aims at helping advertisers learn about the formats they get when advertising on Facebook.

Stec has shared the pictures of all the Facebook ad formats.

Stec says, “Between various image sizes and character requirements, figuring out how to optimize your Facebook ads for the various page spaces and ad objectives available to you can get pretty confusing.

To take the headache out of preparing to run a Facebook Ad Campaign, here’s a handy cheatsheet of Facebook image ad sizes and dimensions for every type of ad you can purchase on Facebook — no matter what your ad’s objective or call to action is.

Whether you’re running a campaign (or just thinking about it), this resource references everything you need to know to ensure that your ads will look their best across all placements and devices”.

HubSpot’s Guide to Facebook Ad Sizes (With Examples)

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