Strengthen your video marketing with these tips
Video remains at the heart of your marketing efforts as it helps you easily connect with your prospects and turn them into customers.
With new tools and technologies, video keeps evolving. Content Marketing Institute columnist Amir Bazrafshan has shared five new rules of video marketing that you need to adopt.
Bazrafshan says, “After having considered how the old model of video marketing doesn’t serve your best interests, what you need now is a clear way forward.
A new model should address the shortcomings of the old model and help you get the success you should demand from your investment in video. As a starting point, I propose five rules.
1. Use design thinking
Design thinking is a process where you work to understand an audience and how to tailor a solution for them. By answering a few potent questions, you can create something that’s going to resonate powerfully – get under the skin of those who matter most to you.
Ask these three powerful questions:
What’s it for?
Or to put it another way, what is the fundamental purpose of your video? Don’t say “engagement” or “brand awareness.” They’re a means to an end, not the end themselves”.
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